Source code for

import json
import os
import warnings
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pastas as ps
from packaging.version import parse as parse_version
from import pastas_hook
from import tqdm

from pastastore.base import BaseConnector
from pastastore.connectors import DictConnector
from pastastore.plotting import Maps, Plots
from pastastore.util import _custom_warning
from pastastore.yaml_interface import PastastoreYAML

FrameorSeriesUnion = Union[pd.DataFrame, pd.Series]
warnings.showwarning = _custom_warning

[docs] class PastaStore: """PastaStore object for managing pastas time series and models. Requires a Connector object to provide the interface to the database. Different Connectors are available, e.g.: - PasConnector for storing all data as .pas (JSON) files on disk (recommended) - DictConenctor for storing all data in dictionaries (in-memory) - ArcticConnector for saving data to MongoDB using the Arctic module - PystoreConnector for saving data to disk using the Pystore module Parameters ---------- connector : Connector object object that provides the interface to the database, e.g. ArcticConnector (see pastastore.connectors) name : str, optional name of the PastaStore, by default takes the name of the Connector object """ def __init__( self, connector: Optional[BaseConnector] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, ): """Initialize PastaStore for managing pastas time series and models. Parameters ---------- connector : Connector object, optional object that provides the connection to the database. Default is None, which will create a DictConnector. This default Connector does not store data on disk. name : str, optional name of the PastaStore, if not provided uses the Connector name """ if isinstance(connector, str): raise DeprecationWarning( "PastaStore expects the connector as the first argument since v1.1!" ) if connector is None: connector = DictConnector("pastas_db") self.conn = connector = name if name is not None else self._register_connector_methods() # register map, plot and yaml classes self.maps = Maps(self) self.plots = Plots(self) self.yaml = PastastoreYAML(self) def _register_connector_methods(self): """Internal method for registering connector methods.""" methods = [ func for func in dir(self.conn) if callable(getattr(self.conn, func)) and not func.startswith("_") ] for meth in methods: setattr(self, meth, getattr(self.conn, meth)) @property def oseries(self): return self.conn.oseries @property def stresses(self): return self.conn.stresses @property def models(self): return self.conn.models @property def oseries_names(self): return self.conn.oseries_names @property def stresses_names(self): return self.conn.stresses_names @property def model_names(self): return self.conn.model_names @property def _modelnames_cache(self): return self.conn._modelnames_cache @property def n_oseries(self): return self.conn.n_oseries @property def n_stresses(self): return self.conn.n_stresses @property def n_models(self): return self.conn.n_models @property def oseries_models(self): return self.conn.oseries_models @property def oseries_with_models(self): return self.conn.oseries_with_models def __repr__(self): """Representation string of the object.""" return f"<PastaStore> {}: \n - " + self.conn.__str__()
[docs] def get_oseries_distances( self, names: Optional[Union[list, str]] = None ) -> FrameorSeriesUnion: """Method to obtain the distances in meters between the oseries. Parameters ---------- names: str or list of str names of the oseries to calculate distances between Returns ------- distances: pandas.DataFrame Pandas DataFrame with the distances between the oseries """ oseries_df = self.conn.oseries other_df = self.conn.oseries names = self.conn._parse_names(names) xo = pd.to_numeric(oseries_df.loc[names, "x"]) xt = pd.to_numeric(other_df.loc[:, "x"]) yo = pd.to_numeric(oseries_df.loc[names, "y"]) yt = pd.to_numeric(other_df.loc[:, "y"]) xh, xi = np.meshgrid(xt, xo) yh, yi = np.meshgrid(yt, yo) distances = pd.DataFrame( np.sqrt((xh - xi) ** 2 + (yh - yi) ** 2), index=names, columns=other_df.index, ) return distances
[docs] def get_nearest_oseries( self, names: Optional[Union[list, str]] = None, n: int = 1, maxdist: Optional[float] = None, ) -> FrameorSeriesUnion: """Method to obtain the nearest (n) oseries. Parameters ---------- names: str or list of str string or list of strings with the name(s) of the oseries n: int number of oseries to obtain maxdist : float, optional maximum distance to consider Returns ------- oseries: list with the names of the oseries. """ distances = self.get_oseries_distances(names) if maxdist is not None: distances = distances.where(distances <= maxdist, np.nan) data = pd.DataFrame(columns=np.arange(n)) for series_name in distances.index: others = distances.loc[series_name].dropna().sort_values().index.tolist() # remove self others.remove(series_name) series = pd.DataFrame( index=[series_name], columns=data.columns, data=[others[:n]] ) data = pd.concat([data, series], axis=0) return data
[docs] def get_distances( self, oseries: Optional[Union[list, str]] = None, stresses: Optional[Union[list, str]] = None, kind: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, ) -> FrameorSeriesUnion: """Method to obtain the distances in meters between the oseries and stresses. Parameters ---------- oseries: str or list of str name(s) of the oseries stresses: str or list of str name(s) of the stresses kind: str, list of str string or list of strings representing which kind(s) of stresses to consider Returns ------- distances: pandas.DataFrame Pandas DataFrame with the distances between the oseries (index) and the stresses (columns). """ oseries_df = self.conn.oseries stresses_df = self.conn.stresses oseries = self.conn._parse_names(oseries) if stresses is None and kind is None: stresses = stresses_df.index elif stresses is not None and kind is not None: if isinstance(kind, str): kind = [kind] mask = stresses_df.kind.isin(kind) stresses = stresses_df.loc[stresses].loc[mask].index elif stresses is None: if isinstance(kind, str): kind = [kind] stresses = stresses_df.loc[stresses_df.kind.isin(kind)].index xo = pd.to_numeric(oseries_df.loc[oseries, "x"]) xt = pd.to_numeric(stresses_df.loc[stresses, "x"]) yo = pd.to_numeric(oseries_df.loc[oseries, "y"]) yt = pd.to_numeric(stresses_df.loc[stresses, "y"]) xh, xi = np.meshgrid(xt, xo) yh, yi = np.meshgrid(yt, yo) distances = pd.DataFrame( np.sqrt((xh - xi) ** 2 + (yh - yi) ** 2), index=oseries, columns=stresses, ) return distances
[docs] def get_nearest_stresses( self, oseries: Optional[Union[list, str]] = None, stresses: Optional[Union[list, str]] = None, kind: Optional[Union[list, str]] = None, n: int = 1, maxdist: Optional[float] = None, ) -> FrameorSeriesUnion: """Method to obtain the nearest (n) stresses of a specific kind. Parameters ---------- oseries: str string with the name of the oseries stresses: str or list of str string with the name of the stresses kind: str, list of str, optional string or list of str with the name of the kind(s) of stresses to consider n: int number of stresses to obtain maxdist : float, optional maximum distance to consider Returns ------- stresses: list with the names of the stresses. """ distances = self.get_distances(oseries, stresses, kind) if maxdist is not None: distances = distances.where(distances <= maxdist, np.nan) data = pd.DataFrame(columns=np.arange(n)) for series in distances.index: series = pd.DataFrame( [distances.loc[series].dropna().sort_values().index[:n]] ) data = pd.concat([data, series], axis=0) return data
[docs] def get_signatures( self, signatures=None, names=None, libname="oseries", progressbar=False, ignore_errors=False, ): """Get groundwater signatures. NaN-values are returned when the signature could not be computed. Parameters ---------- signatures : list of str, optional list of groundwater signatures to compute, if None all groundwater signatures in ps.stats.signatures.__all__ are used, by default None names : str, list of str, or None, optional names of the time series, by default None which uses all the time series in the library libname : str name of the library containing the time series ('oseries' or 'stresses'), by default "oseries" progressbar : bool, optional show progressbar, by default False ignore_errors : bool, optional ignore errors when True, i.e. when non-existent timeseries is encountered in names, by default False Returns ------- signatures_df : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame containing the signatures (columns) per time series (rows) """ names = self.conn._parse_names(names, libname=libname) if signatures is None: signatures = ps.stats.signatures.__all__.copy() # create dataframe for results signatures_df = pd.DataFrame(index=names, columns=signatures, data=np.nan) # loop through oseries names desc = "Get groundwater signatures" for name in tqdm(names, desc=desc) if progressbar else names: try: if libname == "oseries": s = self.conn.get_oseries(name) else: s = self.conn.get_stresses(name) except Exception as e: if ignore_errors: signatures_df.loc[name, :] = np.nan continue else: raise e try: i_signatures = ps.stats.signatures.summary(s.squeeze(), signatures) except Exception as e: if ignore_errors: i_signatures = [] for signature in signatures: try: sign_val = getattr(ps.stats.signatures, signature)( s.squeeze() ) except Exception as _: sign_val = np.nan i_signatures.append(sign_val) else: raise e signatures_df.loc[name, signatures] = i_signatures.squeeze() return signatures_df
[docs] def get_tmin_tmax(self, libname, names=None, progressbar=False): """Get tmin and tmax for time series. Parameters ---------- libname : str name of the library containing the time series ('oseries' or 'stresses') names : str, list of str, or None, optional names of the time series, by default None which uses all the time series in the library progressbar : bool, optional show progressbar, by default False Returns ------- tmintmax : pd.dataframe Dataframe containing tmin and tmax per time series """ names = self.conn._parse_names(names, libname=libname) tmintmax = pd.DataFrame( index=names, columns=["tmin", "tmax"], dtype="datetime64[ns]" ) desc = f"Get tmin/tmax {libname}" for n in tqdm(names, desc=desc) if progressbar else names: if libname == "oseries": s = self.conn.get_oseries(n) else: s = self.conn.get_stresses(n) tmintmax.loc[n, "tmin"] = s.first_valid_index() tmintmax.loc[n, "tmax"] = s.last_valid_index() return tmintmax
def get_extent(self, libname, names=None, buffer=0.0): names = self.conn._parse_names(names, libname=libname) if libname in ["oseries", "stresses"]: df = getattr(self, libname) elif libname == "models": df = self.oseries else: raise ValueError(f"Cannot get extent for library '{libname}'.") extent = [ df.loc[names, "x"].min() - buffer, df.loc[names, "x"].max() + buffer, df.loc[names, "y"].min() - buffer, df.loc[names, "y"].max() + buffer, ] return extent
[docs] def get_parameters( self, parameters: Optional[List[str]] = None, modelnames: Optional[List[str]] = None, param_value: Optional[str] = "optimal", progressbar: Optional[bool] = False, ignore_errors: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> FrameorSeriesUnion: """Get model parameters. NaN-values are returned when the parameters are not present in the model or the model is not optimized. Parameters ---------- parameters : list of str, optional names of the parameters, by default None which uses all parameters from each model modelnames : str or list of str, optional name(s) of model(s), by default None in which case all models are used param_value : str, optional which column to use from the model parameters dataframe, by default "optimal" which retrieves the optimized parameters. progressbar : bool, optional show progressbar, default is False ignore_errors : bool, optional ignore errors when True, i.e. when non-existent model is encountered in modelnames, by default False Returns ------- p : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame containing the parameters (columns) per model (rows) """ modelnames = self.conn._parse_names(modelnames, libname="models") # create dataframe for results p = pd.DataFrame(index=modelnames, columns=parameters) # loop through model names and store results desc = "Get model parameters" for mlname in tqdm(modelnames, desc=desc) if progressbar else modelnames: try: mldict = self.get_models(mlname, return_dict=True, progressbar=False) except Exception as e: if ignore_errors: p.loc[mlname, :] = np.nan continue else: raise e if parameters is None: pindex = mldict["parameters"].index else: pindex = parameters for c in pindex: p.loc[mlname, c] = mldict["parameters"].loc[c, param_value] p = p.squeeze() return p.astype(float)
[docs] def get_statistics( self, statistics: Union[str, List[str]], modelnames: Optional[List[str]] = None, progressbar: Optional[bool] = False, ignore_errors: Optional[bool] = False, **kwargs, ) -> FrameorSeriesUnion: """Get model statistics. Parameters ---------- statistics : str or list of str statistic or list of statistics to calculate, e.g. ["evp", "rsq", "rmse"], for a full list see `pastas.modelstats.Statistics.ops`. modelnames : list of str, optional modelnames to calculates statistics for, by default None, which uses all models in the store progressbar : bool, optional show progressbar, by default False ignore_errors : bool, optional ignore errors when True, i.e. when trying to calculate statistics for non-existent model in modelnames, default is False **kwargs any arguments that can be passed to the methods for calculating statistics Returns ------- s : pandas.DataFrame """ modelnames = self.conn._parse_names(modelnames, libname="models") # if statistics is str if isinstance(statistics, str): statistics = [statistics] # create dataframe for results s = pd.DataFrame(index=modelnames, columns=statistics, data=np.nan) # loop through model names desc = "Get model statistics" for mlname in tqdm(modelnames, desc=desc) if progressbar else modelnames: try: ml = self.get_models(mlname, progressbar=False) except Exception as e: if ignore_errors: continue else: raise e for stat in statistics: value = ml.stats.__getattribute__(stat)(**kwargs) s.loc[mlname, stat] = value s = s.squeeze() return s.astype(float)
[docs] def create_model( self, name: str, modelname: str = None, add_recharge: bool = True, recharge_name: str = "recharge", ) -> ps.Model: """Create a pastas Model. Parameters ---------- name : str name of the oseries to create a model for modelname : str, optional name of the model, default is None, which uses oseries name add_recharge : bool, optional add recharge to the model by looking for the closest precipitation and evaporation time series in the stresses library, by default True recharge_name : str name of the RechargeModel Returns ------- pastas.Model model for the oseries Raises ------ KeyError if data is stored as dataframe and no column is provided ValueError if time series is empty """ # get oseries metadata meta = self.conn.get_metadata("oseries", name, as_frame=False) ts = self.conn.get_oseries(name) # convert to Timeseries and create model if not ts.dropna().empty: if modelname is None: modelname = name ml = ps.Model(ts, name=modelname, metadata=meta) if add_recharge: self.add_recharge(ml, recharge_name=recharge_name) return ml else: raise ValueError("Empty time series!")
[docs] def create_models_bulk( self, oseries: Optional[Union[list, str]] = None, add_recharge: bool = True, solve: bool = False, store_models: bool = True, ignore_errors: bool = False, progressbar: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> Union[Tuple[dict, dict], dict]: """Bulk creation of pastas models. Parameters ---------- oseries : list of str, optional names of oseries to create models for, by default None, which creates models for all oseries add_recharge : bool, optional add recharge to the models based on closest precipitation and evaporation time series, by default True solve : bool, optional solve the model, by default False store_models : bool, optional if False, return a list of models, by default True, which will store the models in the database. ignore_errors : bool, optional ignore errors while creating models, by default False progressbar : bool, optional show progressbar, by default True Returns ------- models : dict, if return_models is True dictionary of models errors : list, always returned list of model names that could not be created """ if oseries is None: oseries = self.conn.oseries.index elif isinstance(oseries, str): oseries = [oseries] models = {} errors = {} desc = "Bulk creation models" for o in tqdm(oseries, desc=desc) if progressbar else oseries: try: iml = self.create_model(o, add_recharge=add_recharge) except Exception as e: if ignore_errors: errors[o] = e continue else: raise e if solve: iml.solve(**kwargs) if store_models: self.conn.add_model(iml, overwrite=True) else: models[o] = iml if len(errors) > 0: print("Warning! Errors occurred while creating models!") if store_models: return errors else: return models, errors
[docs] def add_recharge( self, ml: ps.Model, rfunc=None, recharge=None, recharge_name: str = "recharge", ) -> None: """Add recharge to a pastas model. Uses closest precipitation and evaporation time series in database. These are assumed to be labeled with kind = 'prec' or 'evap'. Parameters ---------- ml : pastas.Model pastas.Model object rfunc : pastas.rfunc, optional response function to use for recharge in model, by default None which uses ps.Exponential() (for different response functions, see pastas documentation) recharge : ps.RechargeModel recharge model to use, default is ps.rch.Linear() recharge_name : str name of the RechargeModel """ # get nearest prec and evap stns if "prec" not in self.stresses.kind.values: raise ValueError( "No stresses with kind='prec' found in store. " "add_recharge() requires stresses with kind='prec'!" ) if "evap" not in self.stresses.kind.values: raise ValueError( "No stresses with kind='evap' found in store. " "add_recharge() requires stresses with kind='evap'!" ) names = [] for var in ("prec", "evap"): try: name = self.get_nearest_stresses(, kind=var).iloc[0, 0] except AttributeError: msg = "No precipitation or evaporation time series found!" raise Exception(msg) if isinstance(name, float): if np.isnan(name): raise ValueError( f"Unable to find nearest '{var}' stress! " "Check x and y coordinates." ) else: names.append(name) if len(names) == 0: msg = "No precipitation or evaporation time series found!" raise Exception(msg) # get data tsdict = self.conn.get_stresses(names) metadata = self.conn.get_metadata("stresses", names, as_frame=False) # add recharge to model rch = ps.RechargeModel( tsdict[names[0]], tsdict[names[1]], rfunc=rfunc, name=recharge_name, recharge=recharge, settings=("prec", "evap"), metadata=metadata, ) ml.add_stressmodel(rch)
[docs] def solve_models( self, mls: Optional[Union[ps.Model, list, str]] = None, report: bool = False, ignore_solve_errors: bool = False, store_result: bool = True, progressbar: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> None: """Solves the models in the store. Parameters ---------- mls : list of str, optional list of model names, if None all models in the pastastore are solved. report : boolean, optional determines if a report is printed when the model is solved, default is False ignore_solve_errors : boolean, optional if True, errors emerging from the solve method are ignored, default is False which will raise an exception when a model cannot be optimized store_result : bool, optional if True save optimized models, default is True progressbar : bool, optional show progressbar, default is True **kwargs : arguments are passed to the solve method. """ if mls is None: mls = self.conn.model_names elif isinstance(mls, ps.Model): mls = [] desc = "Solving models" for ml_name in tqdm(mls, desc=desc) if progressbar else mls: ml = self.conn.get_models(ml_name) m_kwargs = {} for key, value in kwargs.items(): if isinstance(value, pd.Series): m_kwargs[key] = value.loc[ml_name] else: m_kwargs[key] = value # Convert timestamps for tstamp in ["tmin", "tmax"]: if tstamp in m_kwargs: m_kwargs[tstamp] = pd.Timestamp(m_kwargs[tstamp]) try: ml.solve(report=report, **m_kwargs) if store_result: self.conn.add_model(ml, overwrite=True) except Exception as e: if ignore_solve_errors: warning = "solve error ignored for -> {}".format( ps.logger.warning(warning) else: raise e
[docs] def model_results( self, mls: Optional[Union[ps.Model, list, str]] = None, progressbar: bool = True, ): # pragma: no cover """Get pastas model results. Parameters ---------- mls : list of str, optional list of model names, by default None which means results for all models will be calculated progressbar : bool, optional show progressbar, by default True Returns ------- results : pd.DataFrame dataframe containing parameters and other statistics for each model Raises ------ ModuleNotFoundError if the art_tools module is not available """ try: from art_tools import pastas_get_model_results except Exception: raise ModuleNotFoundError("You need 'art_tools' to use this method!") if mls is None: mls = self.conn.models elif isinstance(mls, ps.Model): mls = [] results_list = [] desc = "Get model results" for mlname in tqdm(mls, desc=desc) if progressbar else mls: try: iml = self.conn.get_models(mlname) except Exception as e: print("{1}: '{0}' could not be parsed!".format(mlname, e)) continue iresults = pastas_get_model_results( iml, par_selection="all", stats=("evp",), stderrors=True ) results_list.append(iresults) return pd.concat(results_list, axis=1).transpose()
[docs] def to_zip(self, fname: str, overwrite=False, progressbar: bool = True): """Write data to zipfile. Parameters ---------- fname : str name of zipfile overwrite : bool, optional if True, overwrite existing file progressbar : bool, optional show progressbar, by default True """ from zipfile import ZIP_DEFLATED, ZipFile if os.path.exists(fname) and not overwrite: raise FileExistsError( "File already exists! " "Use 'overwrite=True' to " "force writing file." ) elif os.path.exists(fname): warnings.warn(f"Overwriting file '{os.path.basename(fname)}'") with ZipFile(fname, "w", compression=ZIP_DEFLATED) as archive: # oseries self.conn._series_to_archive(archive, "oseries", progressbar=progressbar) # stresses self.conn._series_to_archive(archive, "stresses", progressbar=progressbar) # models self.conn._models_to_archive(archive, progressbar=progressbar)
[docs] def export_model_series_to_csv( self, names: Optional[Union[list, str]] = None, exportdir: str = ".", exportmeta: bool = True, ): # pragma: no cover """Export model time series to csv files. Parameters ---------- names : Optional[Union[list, str]], optional names of models to export, by default None, which uses retrieves all models from database exportdir : str, optional directory to export csv files to, default is current directory exportmeta : bool, optional export metadata for all time series as csv file, default is True """ names = self.conn._parse_names(names, libname="models") for name in names: mldict = self.get_models(name, return_dict=True) oname = mldict["oseries"]["name"] o = self.get_oseries(oname) o.to_csv(os.path.join(exportdir, f"{oname}.csv")) if exportmeta: metalist = [self.get_metadata("oseries", oname)] for sm in mldict["stressmodels"]: if mldict["stressmodels"][sm]["stressmodel"] == "RechargeModel": for istress in ["prec", "evap"]: istress = mldict["stressmodels"][sm][istress] stress_name = istress["name"] ts = self.get_stresses(stress_name) ts.to_csv(os.path.join(exportdir, f"{stress_name}.csv")) if exportmeta: tsmeta = self.get_metadata("stresses", stress_name) metalist.append(tsmeta) else: for istress in mldict["stressmodels"][sm]["stress"]: stress_name = istress["name"] ts = self.get_stresses(stress_name) ts.to_csv(os.path.join(exportdir, f"{stress_name}.csv")) if exportmeta: tsmeta = self.get_metadata("stresses", stress_name) metalist.append(tsmeta) if exportmeta: pd.concat(metalist, axis=0).to_csv( os.path.join(exportdir, f"metadata_{name}.csv") )
[docs] @classmethod def from_zip( cls, fname: str, conn: Optional[BaseConnector] = None, storename: Optional[str] = None, progressbar: bool = True, ): """Load PastaStore from zipfile. Parameters ---------- fname : str pathname of zipfile conn : Connector object, optional connector for storing loaded data, default is None which creates a DictConnector. This Connector does not store data on disk. storename : str, optional name of the PastaStore, by default None, which defaults to the name of the Connector. progressbar : bool, optional show progressbar, by default True Returns ------- pastastore.PastaStore return PastaStore containing data from zipfile """ from zipfile import ZipFile if conn is None: conn = DictConnector("pastas_db") with ZipFile(fname, "r") as archive: namelist = [ fi for fi in archive.namelist() if not fi.endswith("_meta.json") ] for f in tqdm(namelist, desc="Reading zip") if progressbar else namelist: libname, fjson = os.path.split(f) if libname in ["stresses", "oseries"]: s = pd.read_json(, dtype=float, orient="columns") if not isinstance(s.index, pd.DatetimeIndex): s.index = pd.to_datetime(s.index, unit="ms") s = s.sort_index() meta = json.load(".json", "_meta.json"))) conn._add_series(libname, s, fjson.split(".")[0], metadata=meta) elif libname in ["models"]: ml = json.load(, object_hook=pastas_hook) conn.add_model(ml) if storename is None: storename = return cls(conn, storename)
[docs] def search( self, libname: str, s: Optional[Union[list, str]] = None, case_sensitive: bool = True, sort=True, ): """Search for names of time series or models starting with `s`. Parameters ---------- libname : str name of the library to search in s : str, lst find names with part of this string or strings in list case_sensitive : bool, optional whether search should be case sensitive, by default True sort : bool, optional sort list of names Returns ------- matches : list list of names that match search result """ if libname == "models": lib_names = getattr(self, "model_names") elif libname == "stresses": lib_names = getattr(self, "stresses_names") elif libname == "oseries": lib_names = getattr(self, "oseries_names") else: raise ValueError("Provide valid libname: 'models', 'stresses' or 'oseries'") if isinstance(s, str): if case_sensitive: matches = [n for n in lib_names if s in n] else: matches = [n for n in lib_names if s.lower() in n.lower()] if isinstance(s, list): m = np.array([]) for sub in s: if case_sensitive: m = np.append(m, [n for n in lib_names if sub in n]) else: m = np.append(m, [n for n in lib_names if sub.lower() in n.lower()]) matches = list(np.unique(m)) if sort: matches.sort() return matches
[docs] def get_model_timeseries_names( self, modelnames: Optional[Union[list, str]] = None, dropna: bool = True, progressbar: bool = True, ) -> FrameorSeriesUnion: """Get time series names contained in model. Parameters ---------- modelnames : Optional[Union[list, str]], optional list or name of models to get time series names for, by default None which will use all modelnames dropna : bool, optional drop stresses from table if stress is not included in any model, by default True progressbar : bool, optional show progressbar, by default True Returns ------- structure : pandas.DataFrame returns DataFrame with oseries name per model, and a flag indicating whether a stress is contained within a time series model. """ model_names = self.conn._parse_names(modelnames, libname="models") structure = pd.DataFrame( index=model_names, columns=["oseries"] + self.stresses_names ) for mlnam in ( tqdm(model_names, desc="Get model time series names") if progressbar else model_names ): iml = self.get_models(mlnam, return_dict=True) PASFILE_LEQ_022 = parse_version( iml["file_info"]["pastas_version"] ) <= parse_version("0.22.0") # oseries structure.loc[mlnam, "oseries"] = iml["oseries"]["name"] for sm in iml["stressmodels"].values(): class_key = "stressmodel" if PASFILE_LEQ_022 else "class" if sm[class_key] == "RechargeModel": pnam = sm["prec"]["name"] enam = sm["evap"]["name"] structure.loc[mlnam, pnam] = 1 structure.loc[mlnam, enam] = 1 elif "stress" in sm: smstress = sm["stress"] if isinstance(smstress, dict): smstress = [smstress] for s in smstress: structure.loc[mlnam, s["name"]] = 1 if dropna: return structure.dropna(how="all", axis=1) else: return structure
[docs] def apply(self, libname, func, names=None, progressbar=True): """Apply function to items in library. Supported libraries are oseries, stresses, and models. Parameters ---------- libname : str library name, supports "oseries", "stresses" and "models" func : callable function that accepts items from one of the supported libraries as input names : str, list of str, optional apply function to these names, by default None which loops over all stored items in library progressbar : bool, optional show progressbar, by default True Returns ------- dict dict of results of func, with names as keys and results as values """ names = self.conn._parse_names(names, libname) result = {} if libname not in ("oseries", "stresses", "models"): raise ValueError( "'libname' must be one of ['oseries', 'stresses', 'models']!" ) getter = getattr(self.conn, f"get_{libname}") for n in ( tqdm(names, desc=f"Applying {func.__name__}") if progressbar else names ): result[n] = func(getter(n)) return result
def within(self, extent, names=None, libname="oseries"): xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = extent names = self.conn._parse_names(names, libname) if libname == "oseries": df = self.oseries.loc[names] elif libname == "stresses": df = self.stresses.loc[names] elif libname == "models": onames = np.unique( [ self.get_models(modelname, return_dict=True)["oseries"]["name"] for modelname in names ] ) df = self.oseries.loc[onames] else: raise ValueError( "libname must be one of ['oseries', 'stresses', 'models']" f", got '{libname}'" ) mask = ( (df["x"] <= xmax) & (df["x"] >= xmin) & (df["y"] >= ymin) & (df["y"] <= ymax) ) return df.loc[mask].index.tolist()