The PastaStore YAML interface

This notebook shows how Pastas models can be built from YAML files, using Pastastore.


import os
import tempfile
from contextlib import contextmanager
from io import StringIO

import pastastore as pst
import yaml
# create a temporary yaml file that is deleted after usage

def tempyaml(yaml):
    temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)


YAML, according to the official webpage is “YAML is a human-friendly data serialization language for all programming languages”. The file structure is similar to JSON (nested dictionaries) and therefore similar to the storage format for pastas Models, i.e. .pas-files.

So why develop a method for reading/writing pastas models to and from YAML files? The human-readability of the file structure in combination with leveraging tools in pastastore allow users to quickly build pastas Models using a mini-language, without having to explicitly program each line of code. When users are working with a lot of models with different model structures, the YAML files can provide a simple and convenient interface to structure this work, without having to search through lots of lines of code.

Whether it is useful to “program” the models in YAML or in normal Python/pastas code depends on the application or project. This feature was developed to give users an extra option that combines human-readable files with useful tools from the pastastore to quickly develop pastas models.

An example YAML file

A YAML file is text file that uses Python-style indentation to indicate nesting. The following shows the structure of a YAML file for defining a pastas model.

# comments are allowed, this is a pastas Model:

my_first_model:                   # model name
  oseries: head_nb1               # head time series name, obtained from pastastore
  stressmodels:                   # stressmodels dictionary
    recharge:                     # name of the recharge stressmodel
      class: RechargeModel        # type of pastas StressModel
      prec: prec1                 # name of precipitation stress, obtained from pastastore
      evap: evap1                 # name of evaporation stress, obtained from pastastore
      recharge: Linear            # pastas recharge type
      rfunc: Exponential          # rfunc

Reading this file converts it into a nested dictionary, as shown below. This dictionary can be used to (re-)construct pastas models, as is shown in the next sections.

yaml_file = """
# comments are allowed, this is a pastas Model:

my_first_model:                   # model name
  oseries: head_nb1               # head time series name, obtained from pastastore
  stressmodels:                   # stressmodels dictionary
    recharge:                     # name of the recharge stressmodel
      class: RechargeModel        # type of pastas StressModel
      prec: prec1                 # name of precipitation stress, obtained from pastastore
      evap: evap1                 # name of evaporation stress, obtained from pastastore
      recharge: Linear            # pastas recharge type
      rfunc: Exponential          # response function

# load the file
d = yaml.load(StringIO(yaml_file), Loader=yaml.Loader)

# view the resulting dictionary
{'my_first_model': {'oseries': 'head_nb1',
  'stressmodels': {'recharge': {'class': 'RechargeModel',
    'prec': 'prec1',
    'evap': 'evap1',
    'recharge': 'Linear',
    'rfunc': 'Exponential'}}}}

The PastaStore.yaml interface

The logic for reading/writing YAML files is accessed through the PastaStore.yaml interface. First we need a PastaStore and fill it with some data to showcase this. Load the example dataset from the PastaStore (included since version 0.8.0 (note, this data is only available if the pastastore repository was cloned and not if it was installed with pip).

from pastastore.datasets import example_pastastore  # noqa: E402
pstore = example_pastastore()
pstore menyanthes file /home/david/Github/pastastore/pastastore/../tests/data/ oseries -> Obsevation well stress -> Evaporation stress -> Air Pressure stress -> Precipitation stress -> Extraction 1 stress -> Extraction 2 stress -> Extraction 3 stress -> Extraction 4
<PastaStore> example:
 - <DictConnector> 'my_db': 5 oseries, 15 stresses, 0 models

Let’s check which oseries are available:

x y
oseries1 165000.0 424000.0
oseries2 164000.0 423000.0
oseries3 165554.0 422685.0
head_nb5 200000.0 450000.0
head_mw 85850.0 383362.0

Building model(s) from a YAML file

my_first_yaml = """
my_first_model:                   # model name
  oseries: oseries1               # head time series name, obtained from pastastore
  stressmodels:                   # stressmodels dictionary
    recharge:                     # name of the recharge stressmodel
      class: RechargeModel        # type of pastas StressModel
      prec: prec1                 # name of precipitation stress, obtained from pastastore
      evap: evap1                 # name of evaporation stress, obtained from pastastore
      recharge: Linear            # pastas recharge type
      rfunc: Exponential          # response function

with tempyaml(my_first_yaml) as f:
    ml = pstore.yaml.load(f)[0]  # returns a list

INFO:pastastore.yaml_interface:Building model 'my_first_model' for oseries 'oseries1'
INFO:pastastore.yaml_interface:| parsing stressmodel: 'recharge'
Model(oseries=oseries1, name=my_first_model, constant=True, noisemodel=True)

A YAML file can contain multiple models

my_multi_model_yaml = """
my_first_model:                   # model name
  oseries: oseries1               # head time series name, obtained from pastastore
  stressmodels:                   # stressmodels dictionary
    recharge:                     # name of the recharge stressmodel
      class: RechargeModel        # type of pastas StressModel
      prec: prec1                 # name of precipitation stress, obtained from pastastore
      evap: evap1                 # name of evaporation stress, obtained from pastastore
      recharge: Linear            # pastas recharge type
      rfunc: Exponential          # response function

my_second_model:                  # model name
  oseries: oseries1               # head time series name, obtained from pastastore
  stressmodels:                   # stressmodels dictionary
    recharge:                     # name of the recharge stressmodel
      class: RechargeModel        # type of pastas StressModel
      prec: prec1                 # name of precipitation stress, obtained from pastastore
      evap: evap1                 # name of evaporation stress, obtained from pastastore
      recharge: FlexModel         # pastas recharge type
      rfunc: Exponential          # response function
with tempyaml(my_multi_model_yaml) as f:
    models = pstore.yaml.load(f)

INFO:pastastore.yaml_interface:Building model 'my_first_model' for oseries 'oseries1'
INFO:pastastore.yaml_interface:| parsing stressmodel: 'recharge'
INFO:pastastore.yaml_interface:Building model 'my_second_model' for oseries 'oseries1'
INFO:pastastore.yaml_interface:| parsing stressmodel: 'recharge'
[Model(oseries=oseries1, name=my_first_model, constant=True, noisemodel=True),
 Model(oseries=oseries1, name=my_second_model, constant=True, noisemodel=True)]

Note that these models are not automatically added to the PastaStore. They are only created. To store them use PastaStore.add_model.

for ml in models:
<PastaStore> example:
 - <DictConnector> 'my_db': 5 oseries, 15 stresses, 2 models

Writing model(s) to a YAML file

Writing an existing model to a YAML file is done with PastaStore.yaml.export_model(). The resulting YAML file contains a lot more information as all model information is stored in the file, similar to saving a model as .pas-file with ml.to_file(). It can be useful to take a look at this file as a template for writing your own YAML files.


The YAML file can be simplified with the minimal_yaml keyword argument.

Warning: Using the minimal_yaml=True option can lead to a different model than the one being exported as certain important model settings might have been removed in the resulting YAML file. Use with care!

[43]: = + "_minimal"
pstore.yaml.export_model(ml, minimal_yaml=True)

Additionally, the use_nearest option fills in "nearest <n> <kind>" instead of the names of the time series, filling in <n> and <kind> where possible. This option is only used when minimal_yaml=True.

Warning: This option does not check whether the time series are actually nearest, it simply fills in “nearest” for all stresses and fills in “kind” where possible.

[44]: = + "_nearest"
pstore.yaml.export_model(ml, minimal_yaml=True, use_nearest=True)

The models can als be written to a single YAML-file using PastaStore.yaml.export_models(). The split=False kwarg forces all models to be written to the same file.

pstore.yaml.export_models(models=models, split=False)

“Nearest” options for time series

The YAML file format introduces some useful features that leverage useful tools in PastaStore. Instead of explicitly defining the time series to use for a particular stressmodel, there is a nearest option. Note that this requires the metadata of the time series in the PastaStore to be properly defined, with x and y coordinates for all time series.

First let’s revisit the first example YAML file, but this time use the “nearest” option to select the precipitation and evaporation time series. After nearest the kind identifier is supplied to tell the PastaStore which types of stresses to consider when looking for the nearest one.

nearest_yaml = """
my_first_model:                   # model name
  oseries: oseries1               # head time series name, obtained from pastastore
  stressmodels:                   # stressmodels dictionary
    recharge:                     # name of the recharge stressmodel
      class: RechargeModel        # type of pastas StressModel
      prec: nearest prec          # nearest stress with kind="prec" obtained from pastastore
      evap: nearest evap          # nearest stress with kind="evap" obtained from pastastore
      recharge: Linear            # pastas recharge type
      rfunc: Exponential          # response function

with tempyaml(nearest_yaml) as f:
    ml = pstore.yaml.load(f)[0]  # returns a list

INFO:pastastore.yaml_interface:Building model 'my_first_model' for oseries 'oseries1'
INFO:pastastore.yaml_interface:| parsing stressmodel: 'recharge'
INFO:pastastore.yaml_interface:  | using nearest stress with kind='prec': 'prec1'
INFO:pastastore.yaml_interface:  | using nearest stress with kind='evap': 'evap1'
Model(oseries=oseries1, name=my_first_model, constant=True, noisemodel=True)

The nearest option is parsed depending on the type of stressmodel. Generally, the form is nearest <kind>, but for the RechargeModel, just providing nearest will assume the kind is kind="prec" or kind="evap".

For WellModel, the number of nearest stresses can be passed as well, e.g. nearest <n> <kind>.

The following examples illustrate this:

full_nearest_yaml = """
nearest_model_1:                  # model name
  oseries: head_nb5               # head time series name, obtained from pastastore
  stressmodels:                   # stressmodels dictionary
    recharge:                     # name of the recharge stressmodel
      class: RechargeModel        # type of pastas stressmodel
      prec: nearest               # nearest stress with kind="prec" obtained from pastastore
      evap: nearest evap          # nearest stress with kind="evap" obtained from pastastore
      recharge: Linear            # pastas recharge type
      rfunc: Exponential          # response function
    river:                        # name for river stressmodel
      class: StressModel          # type of pastas stressmodel
      stress: nearest riv         # nearest stress with kind="riv" obtained from pastastore
      rfunc: One                  # response function
      settings: level             # time series settings

  oseries: head_mw
      class: RechargeModel
      prec: nearest
      evap: nearest evap
      recharge: Linear
      rfunc: Exponential
      class: WellModel
      stress: nearest 2 well
      rfunc: HantushWellModel
      up: False
x y
oseries1 165000.0 424000.0
oseries2 164000.0 423000.0
oseries3 165554.0 422685.0
head_nb5 200000.0 450000.0
head_mw 85850.0 383362.0
with tempyaml(full_nearest_yaml) as f:
    models = pstore.yaml.load(f)  # returns a list
INFO:pastastore.yaml_interface:Building model 'nearest_model_1' for oseries 'head_nb5'
INFO:pastastore.yaml_interface:| parsing stressmodel: 'recharge'
INFO:pastastore.yaml_interface:  | using nearest stress with kind='prec': 'prec_nb5'
INFO:pastastore.yaml_interface:  | using nearest stress with kind='evap': 'evap_nb5'
INFO:pastastore.yaml_interface:| parsing stressmodel: 'river'
INFO:pastastore.yaml_interface:  | using nearest stress with kind='riv': riv_nb5
INFO:pastastore.yaml_interface:Building model 'nearest_model_2' for oseries 'head_mw'
INFO:pastastore.yaml_interface:| parsing stressmodel: 'recharge'
INFO:pastastore.yaml_interface:  | using nearest stress with kind='prec': 'prec_mw'
INFO:pastastore.yaml_interface:  | using nearest stress with kind='evap': 'evap_mw'
INFO:pastastore.yaml_interface:| parsing stressmodel: 'wells'
INFO:pastastore.yaml_interface:  | using 2 nearest stress(es) with kind='well': ['extraction_2' 'extraction_3']
ml = models[0]


The Pastastore YAML interface adds some additional defaults as compared to pastas. These defaults allow the user to only provide only certain information in a YAML file in order to construct a model. These defaults are determined based on commonly used options. It should be noted that these defaults are not necessarily appropriate in all situations, and it is highly recommended to try different models with different options. These defaults are therefore implemented to facilitate building models, but should not be deemed holy.

The YAML interface mostly uses the Pastas defaults, but adds some additional logic for stressmodels. When default settings implemented in the YAML interface are implemented, this is logged to the console.

  • RechargeModel:

    • If stressmodel name is one of “rch”, “rech”, “recharge”, or “rechargemodel”, assume stressmodel type is RechargeModel.

    • If no “prec” or “evap” keys are provided for RechargeModel, use the “nearest” option.

    • Default rfunc for RechargeModel is “Exponential”.

    • prec: accepts nearest or nearest <kind>, if only nearest is provided, stresses in PastaStore must be labelled with kind=”prec”

    • evap: accepts nearest or nearest <kind>, if only nearest is provided, stresses in PastaStore must be labelled with kind=”evap”

  • StressModel:

    • If no “stressmodel” key is contained in dictionary, assume stressmodel type is StressModel

    • Default rfunc for StressModel is “Gamma”.

    • stress: accepts nearest or nearest <kind>, if only “nearest” is provided, uses whichever stress is nearest.

  • WellModel:

    • Default rfunc for WellModel is “HantushWellModel”.

    • If “up” is not provided, assume up=False, i.e. positive discharge time series indicates pumping.

    • stress: accepts nearest, nearest <n> and nearest <n> <kind>, where n is the number of wells to add. If kind is not passed, stresses must be labelled with kind=”well” in PastaStore. If n is not passed, assumes n=1.

This is the shortest possible YAML file for a model with recharge, that makes use of all of the defaults for RechargeModel:

minimal_yaml = """
  oseries: oseries2

Note that the YAML load method recognizes the stressmodel name “recharge” and assumes the type of stress model should be RechargeModel. Additionally note the defaults as no other information is provided. - prec –> nearest stress with kind=”prec” - evap –> nearest stress with kind=”evap” - recharge –> Linear - rfunc –> Exponential

with tempyaml(minimal_yaml) as f:
    ml = pstore.yaml.load(f)[0]  # returns a list
INFO:pastastore.yaml_interface:Building model 'ml_minimal' for oseries 'oseries2'
INFO:pastastore.yaml_interface:| parsing stressmodel: 'recharge'
INFO:pastastore.yaml_interface:| assuming RechargeModel based on stressmodel name.
INFO:pastastore.yaml_interface:  | using nearest stress with kind='prec': 'prec2'
INFO:pastastore.yaml_interface:  | using nearest stress with kind='evap': 'evap2'
INFO:pastastore.yaml_interface:  | no 'rfunc' provided, using 'Exponential'
INFO:pastastore.yaml_interface:  | no 'recharge' type provided, using 'Linear'

More examples

yaml_examples = """
# Pastas YAML example file
# ------------------------

# 1. Explicitly provide oseries, stresses names rfunc and
#    recharge type.

    freq: D
  oseries: oseries1
      class: RechargeModel
      prec: prec1
      evap: evap1
      rfunc: Exponential
      recharge: Linear

# 2. Provide oseries, stresses names but use defaults for
#    other settings:

  oseries: oseries1
      prec: prec1
      evap: evap1

# 3. Use "nearest" to obtain nearest precipitation and evaporation
#    time series. Requires x, y data to be present in oseries and
#    stresses metadata.

  oseries: oseries1
      prec: nearest prec
      evap: nearest
with tempyaml(yaml_examples) as f:
    models = pstore.yaml.load(f)  # returns a list
INFO:pastastore.yaml_interface:Building model 'ml_explicit' for oseries 'oseries1'
INFO:pastastore.yaml_interface:| parsing stressmodel: 'recharge'
INFO:pastastore.yaml_interface:Building model 'ml_stresses' for oseries 'oseries1'
INFO:pastastore.yaml_interface:| parsing stressmodel: 'recharge'
INFO:pastastore.yaml_interface:| assuming RechargeModel based on stressmodel name.
INFO:pastastore.yaml_interface:  | no 'rfunc' provided, using 'Exponential'
INFO:pastastore.yaml_interface:  | no 'recharge' type provided, using 'Linear'
INFO:pastastore.yaml_interface:Building model 'ml_nearest' for oseries 'oseries1'
INFO:pastastore.yaml_interface:| parsing stressmodel: 'recharge'
INFO:pastastore.yaml_interface:| assuming RechargeModel based on stressmodel name.
INFO:pastastore.yaml_interface:  | using nearest stress with kind='prec': 'prec1'
INFO:pastastore.yaml_interface:  | using nearest stress with kind='evap': 'evap1'
INFO:pastastore.yaml_interface:  | no 'rfunc' provided, using 'Exponential'
INFO:pastastore.yaml_interface:  | no 'recharge' type provided, using 'Linear'

The first and last models are identical, except for the name obviously. The second one is also the same, but is not shown below.

pst.util.compare_models(models[0], models[-1], detailed_comparison=True)
model 0 model 1 comparison
name: ml_explicit ml_nearest False
- settings: tmin None None True
- settings: tmax None None True
- settings: freq D D True
- settings: warmup 3650 days 00:00:00 3650 days 00:00:00 True
- settings: time_offset 0 days 00:00:00 0 days 00:00:00 True
- settings: noise True True True
- settings: solver None None True
- settings: fit_constant True True True
oseries: series_original True True True
oseries: series_series True True True
stressmodel: 'recharge' recharge recharge True
- rfunc Exponential Exponential True
- time series: 'prec1' prec1 prec1 True
- prec1 settings: freq D D True
- prec1 settings: sample_up bfill bfill True
- prec1 settings: sample_down mean mean True
- prec1 settings: fill_nan 0.0 0.0 True
- prec1 settings: fill_before mean mean True
- prec1 settings: fill_after mean mean True
- prec1 settings: tmin 2010-01-01 00:00:00 2010-01-01 00:00:00 True
- prec1 settings: tmax 2015-12-31 00:00:00 2015-12-31 00:00:00 True
- prec1 settings: time_offset 0 days 00:00:00 0 days 00:00:00 True
- prec1: series_original True True True
- prec1: series True True True
- time series: 'evap1' evap1 evap1 True
- evap1 settings: freq D D True
- evap1 settings: sample_up bfill bfill True
- evap1 settings: sample_down mean mean True
- evap1 settings: fill_nan interpolate interpolate True
- evap1 settings: fill_before mean mean True
- evap1 settings: fill_after mean mean True
- evap1 settings: tmin 2010-01-01 00:00:00 2010-01-01 00:00:00 True
- evap1 settings: tmax 2015-12-31 00:00:00 2015-12-31 00:00:00 True
- evap1 settings: time_offset 0 days 00:00:00 0 days 00:00:00 True
- evap1: series_original True True True
- evap1: series True True True
param: recharge_A (init) 211.567577 211.567577 True
param: recharge_A (opt) NaN NaN True
param: recharge_a (init) 10.0 10.0 True
param: recharge_a (opt) NaN NaN True
param: recharge_f (init) -1.0 -1.0 True
param: recharge_f (opt) NaN NaN True
param: constant_d (init) 27.927937 27.927937 True
param: constant_d (opt) NaN NaN True
param: noise_alpha (init) 14.0 14.0 True
param: noise_alpha (opt) NaN NaN True

Clean up the written YAML files.

for f in [fi for fi in os.listdir(".") if fi.endswith(".yaml")]:
[ ]: