Source code for pastastore.plotting

"""This module contains all the plotting methods for PastaStore.

Pastastore comes with a number helpful plotting methods to quickly
visualize time series or the locations of the time series contained in the
store. Plotting time series or data availability is available through the
`plots` attribute of the PastaStore object. Plotting locations of time series
or model statistics on maps is available through the `maps` attribute.
For example, if we have a :class:`pastastore.PastaStore` called `pstore`
linking to an existing database, the plot and map methods are available as


    ax = pstore.maps.oseries()
    pstore.maps.add_background_map(ax)  # for adding a background map

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pastas as ps
from matplotlib import patheffects
from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection
from matplotlib.colors import BoundaryNorm, LogNorm
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable

[docs] class Plots: """Plot class for Pastastore. Allows plotting of time series and data availability. """ def __init__(self, pstore): """Initialize Plots class for Pastastore. Parameters ---------- pstore : pastastore.Pastastore Pastastore object """ self.pstore = pstore
[docs] def _timeseries( self, libname, names=None, ax=None, split=False, figsize=(10, 5), progressbar=True, show_legend=True, labelfunc=None, legend_kwargs=None, **kwargs, ): """Internal method to plot time series from pastastore. Parameters ---------- libname : str name of the library to obtain time series from (oseries or stresses) names : list of str, optional list of time series names to plot, by default None ax : matplotlib.Axes, optional pass axes object to plot on existing axes, by default None, which creates a new figure split : bool, optional create a separate subplot for each time series, by default False. A maximum of 20 time series is supported when split=True. figsize : tuple, optional figure size, by default (10, 5) progressbar : bool, optional show progressbar when loading time series from store, by default True show_legend : bool, optional show legend, default is True. labelfunc : callable, optional function to create custom labels, function should take name of time series as input legend_kwargs : dict, optional additional arguments to pass to legend Returns ------- ax : matplotlib.Axes axes handle Raises ------ ValueError split=True is only supported if there are less than 20 time series to plot. """ names = self.pstore.conn._parse_names(names, libname) if len(names) > 20 and split: raise ValueError( "More than 20 time series leads to too many " "subplots, set split=False." ) if ax is None: if split: _, axes = plt.subplots(len(names), 1, sharex=True, figsize=figsize) else: _, axes = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=figsize) else: axes = ax tsdict = self.pstore.conn._get_series( libname, names, progressbar=progressbar, squeeze=False ) for i, (n, ts) in enumerate(tsdict.items()): if split and ax is None: iax = axes[i] elif ax is None: iax = axes else: iax = ax if labelfunc is not None: n = labelfunc(n) iax.plot(ts.index, ts.squeeze(), label=n, **kwargs) if split and show_legend: iax.legend(loc="best", fontsize="x-small") if not split and show_legend: if legend_kwargs is None: legend_kwargs = {} ncol = legend_kwargs.pop("ncol", 7) fontsize = legend_kwargs.pop("fontsize", "x-small") axes.legend(loc=(0, 1), frameon=False, ncol=ncol, fontsize=fontsize) return axes
[docs] def oseries( self, names=None, ax=None, split=False, figsize=(10, 5), show_legend=True, labelfunc=None, legend_kwargs=None, **kwargs, ): """Plot oseries. Parameters ---------- names : list of str, optional list of oseries names to plot, by default None, which loads all oseries from store ax : matplotlib.Axes, optional pass axes object to plot oseries on existing figure, by default None, in which case a new figure is created split : bool, optional create a separate subplot for each time series, by default False. A maximum of 20 time series is supported when split=True. figsize : tuple, optional figure size, by default (10, 5) show_legend : bool, optional show legend, default is True. labelfunc : callable, optional function to create custom labels, function should take name of time series as input legend_kwargs : dict, optional additional arguments to pass to legend Returns ------- ax : matplotlib.Axes axes handle """ return self._timeseries( "oseries", names=names, ax=ax, split=split, figsize=figsize, show_legend=show_legend, labelfunc=labelfunc, legend_kwargs=legend_kwargs, **kwargs, )
[docs] def stresses( self, names=None, kind=None, ax=None, split=False, figsize=(10, 5), show_legend=True, labelfunc=None, legend_kwargs=None, **kwargs, ): """Plot stresses. Parameters ---------- names : list of str, optional list of oseries names to plot, by default None, which loads all oseries from store kind : str, optional only plot stresses of a certain kind, by default None, which includes all stresses ax : matplotlib.Axes, optional pass axes object to plot oseries on existing figure, by default None, in which case a new figure is created split : bool, optional create a separate subplot for each time series, by default False. A maximum of 20 time series is supported when split=True. figsize : tuple, optional figure size, by default (10, 5) show_legend : bool, optional show legend, default is True. labelfunc : callable, optional function to create custom labels, function should take name of time series as input legend_kwargs : dict, optional additional arguments to pass to legend Returns ------- ax : matplotlib.Axes axes handle """ names = self.pstore.conn._parse_names(names, "stresses") masknames = self.pstore.stresses.index.isin(names) stresses = self.pstore.stresses.loc[masknames] if kind: mask = stresses["kind"] == kind names = stresses.loc[mask].index.to_list() return self._timeseries( "stresses", names=names, ax=ax, split=split, figsize=figsize, show_legend=show_legend, labelfunc=labelfunc, legend_kwargs=legend_kwargs, **kwargs, )
[docs] def data_availability( self, libname, names=None, kind=None, intervals=None, ignore=("second", "minute", "14 days"), ax=None, cax=None, normtype="log", cmap="viridis_r", set_yticks=False, figsize=(10, 8), progressbar=True, dropna=True, **kwargs, ): """Plot the data-availability for multiple time series in pastastore. Parameters ---------- libname : str name of library to get time series from (oseries or stresses) names : list, optional specify names in a list to plot data availability for certain time series kind : str, optional if library is stresses, kind can be specified to obtain only stresses of a specific kind intervals: dict, optional A dict with frequencies as keys and number of seconds as values ignore : list, optional A list with frequencies in intervals to ignore ax: matplotlib Axes, optional pass axes object to plot data availability on existing figure. by default None, in which case a new figure is created cax: matplotlib Axes, optional pass object axes to plot the colorbar on. by default None, which gives default Maptlotlib behavior normtype : str, optional Determines the type of color normalisations, default is 'log' cmap : str, optional A reference to a matplotlib colormap set_yticks : bool, optional Set the names of the series as yticks figsize : tuple, optional The size of the new figure in inches (h,v) progressbar : bool Show progressbar dropna : bool Do not show NaNs as available data kwargs : dict, optional Extra arguments are passed to matplotlib.pyplot.subplots() Returns ------- ax : matplotlib Axes The axes in which the data-availability is plotted """ names = self.pstore.conn._parse_names(names, libname) if libname == "stresses": masknames = self.pstore.stresses.index.isin(names) stresses = self.pstore.stresses.loc[masknames] if kind: mask = stresses["kind"] == kind names = stresses.loc[mask].index.to_list() series = self.pstore.conn._get_series( libname, names, progressbar=progressbar, squeeze=False ).values() ax = self._data_availability( series, names=names, intervals=intervals, ignore=ignore, ax=ax, cax=cax, normtype=normtype, cmap=cmap, set_yticks=set_yticks, figsize=figsize, dropna=dropna, **kwargs, ) return ax
[docs] @staticmethod def _data_availability( series, names=None, intervals=None, ignore=("second", "minute", "14 days"), ax=None, cax=None, normtype="log", cmap="viridis_r", set_yticks=False, figsize=(10, 8), dropna=True, **kwargs, ): """Plot the data-availability for a list of time series. Parameters ---------- libname : list of pandas.Series list of series to plot data availability for names : list, optional specify names of series, default is None in which case names will be taken from series themselves. kind : str, optional if library is stresses, kind can be specified to obtain only stresses of a specific kind intervals: dict, optional A dict with frequencies as keys and number of seconds as values ignore : list, optional A list with frequencies in intervals to ignore ax: matplotlib Axes, optional pass axes object to plot data availability on existing figure. by default None, in which case a new figure is created cax: matplotlib Axes, optional pass object axes to plot the colorbar on. by default None, which gives default Maptlotlib behavior normtype : str, optional Determines the type of color normalisations, default is 'log' cmap : str, optional A reference to a matplotlib colormap set_yticks : bool, optional Set the names of the series as yticks figsize : tuple, optional The size of the new figure in inches (h,v) progressbar : bool Show progressbar dropna : bool Do not show NaNs as available data kwargs : dict, optional Extra arguments are passed to matplotlib.pyplot.subplots() Returns ------- ax : matplotlib Axes The axes in which the data-availability is plotted """ # a good colormap is cmap='RdYlGn_r' or 'cubehelix' if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize, **kwargs) else: fig = ax.get_figure() ax.invert_yaxis() if intervals is None: intervals = { "second": 1, "minute": 60, "hour": 60 * 60, "day": 60 * 60 * 24, "week": 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, "14 days": 60 * 60 * 24 * 14, "month": 60 * 60 * 24 * 31, "quarter": 60 * 60 * 24 * 31 * 4, "year": 60 * 60 * 24 * 366, } for i in ignore: if i in intervals: intervals.pop(i) bounds = np.array([intervals[i] for i in intervals]) bounds = bounds.astype(float) * (10**9) labels = intervals.keys() if normtype == "log": norm = LogNorm(vmin=bounds[0], vmax=bounds[-1]) else: norm = BoundaryNorm(boundaries=bounds, ncolors=256) cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap, 256) cmap.set_over((1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) for i, s in enumerate(series): if not s.empty: if dropna: s = s.dropna() pc = ax.pcolormesh( s.index, [i, i + 1], [np.diff(s.index).astype(float)], norm=norm, cmap=cmap, linewidth=0, rasterized=True, ) # make a colorbar in an ax on the # right side, then set the current axes to ax again cb = fig.colorbar(pc, ax=ax, cax=cax, extend="both") cb.set_ticks(bounds) if set_yticks: ax.set_yticks(np.arange(0.5, len(series) + 0.5), minor=False) ax.set_yticks(np.arange(0, len(series) + 1), minor=True) if names is None: names = [ for s in series] ax.set_yticklabels(names) for tick in ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks(): # don't show major ytick marker tick.tick1line.set_visible(False) ax.grid(True, which="minor", axis="y") ax.grid(True, which="major", axis="x") else: ax.set_ylabel("Timeseries (-)") ax.grid(True, which="both") ax.grid(True, which="both") return ax
[docs] def cumulative_hist( self, statistic="rsq", modelnames=None, extend=False, ax=None, figsize=(6, 6), label=None, legend=True, ): """Plot a cumulative step histogram for a model statistic. Parameters ---------- statistic: str name of the statistic, e.g. "evp" or "rmse", by default "rsq" modelnames: list of str, optional modelnames to plot statistic for, by default None, which uses all models in the store extend: bool, optional force extend the stats Series with a dummy value to move the horizontal line outside figure bounds. If True the results are skewed a bit, especially if number of models is low. ax: matplotlib.Axes, optional axes to plot histogram, by default None which creates an Axes figsize: tuple, optional figure size, by default (6,6) label: str, optional label for the legend, by default None, which shows the number of models legend: bool, optional show legend, by default True Returns ------- ax : matplotlib Axes The axes in which the cumulative histogram is plotted """ statsdf = self.pstore.get_statistics( [statistic], modelnames=modelnames, progressbar=False ) if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=figsize) ax.set_xticks(np.linspace(0, 1, 11)) ax.set_xlim(0, 1) ax.set_ylabel(statistic) ax.set_xlabel("Density") ax.set_title("Cumulative Step Histogram") if statistic == "evp": ax.set_yticks(np.linspace(0, 100, 11)) if extend: statsdf = statsdf.append(pd.Series(100, index=["dummy"])) ax.set_ylim(0, 100) else: ax.set_ylim(0, statsdf.max()) elif statistic in ("rsq", "nse", "kge_2012"): ax.set_yticks(np.linspace(0, 1, 11)) if extend: statsdf = statsdf.append(pd.Series(1, index=["dummy"])) statsdf[statsdf < 0] = 0 ax.set_ylim(0, 1) else: ax.set_ylim(0, statsdf.max()) elif statistic in ("aic", "bic"): ax.set_ylim(statsdf.min(), statsdf.max()) else: if extend: statsdf = statsdf.append(pd.Series(0, index=["dummy"])) ax.set_ylim(0, statsdf.max()) if label is None: if extend: label = f"No. Models = {len(statsdf)-1}" else: label = f"No. Models = {len(statsdf)}" statsdf.hist( ax=ax, bins=len(statsdf), density=True, cumulative=True, histtype="step", orientation="horizontal", label=label, ) if legend: ax.legend(loc=4) return ax
[docs] def compare_models(self, modelnames, ax=None, **kwargs): models = self.pstore.get_models(modelnames) names = [] onames = [ for iml in models] if len(np.unique(onames)) == 1: for modelname in modelnames: if onames[0] in modelname: names.append(modelname.replace(onames[0], "")) else: names.append(modelname) else: names = modelnames cm = ps.CompareModels(models, names=names) cm.plot(**kwargs) return cm
[docs] class Maps: """Map Class for PastaStore. Allows plotting locations and model statistics on maps. Usage ----- Example usage of the maps methods: : >> > ax = pstore.maps.oseries() # plot oseries locations >> > pstore.maps.add_background_map(ax) # add background map """ def __init__(self, pstore): """Initialize Plots class for Pastastore. Parameters ---------- pstore: pastastore.Pastastore Pastastore object """ self.pstore = pstore
[docs] def stresses( self, names=None, kind=None, extent=None, labels=True, adjust=False, figsize=(10, 8), backgroundmap=False, label_kwargs=None, **kwargs, ): """Plot stresses locations on map. Parameters ---------- names : list of str, optional list of names to plot kind: str, optional if passed, only plot stresses of a specific kind, default is None which plots all stresses. extent : list of float, optional plot only stresses within extent [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] labels: bool, optional label models, by default True adjust: bool, optional automated smart label placement using adjustText, by default False ax : matplotlib.Axes, optional axes handle, if not provided a new figure is created. figsize: tuple, optional figure size, by default(10, 8) backgroundmap: bool, optional if True, add background map (default CRS is EPSG:28992) with default tiles by OpenStreetMap.Mapnik. Default option is False. label_kwargs: dict, optional dictionary with keyword arguments to pass to add_labels method Returns ------- ax: matplotlib.Axes axes object See also -------- self.add_background_map """ names = self.pstore.conn._parse_names(names, "stresses") if extent is not None: names = self.pstore.within(extent, names=names, libname="stresses") df = self.pstore.stresses.loc[names] if kind is not None: if isinstance(kind, str): kind = [kind] mask = df["kind"].isin(kind) stresses = df[mask] else: stresses = df mask0 = (stresses["x"] != 0.0) | (stresses["y"] != 0.0) if "c" in kwargs: c = kwargs.pop("c", None) else: c = stresses.loc[mask0, "kind"] kind_to_color = {k: f"C{i}" for i, k in enumerate(c.unique())} c = c.apply(lambda k: kind_to_color[k]) r = self._plotmap_dataframe(stresses.loc[mask0], c=c, figsize=figsize, **kwargs) if "ax" in kwargs: ax = kwargs["ax"] else: ax = r if labels: if label_kwargs is None: label_kwargs = {} self.add_labels(stresses, ax, adjust=adjust, **label_kwargs) if backgroundmap: self.add_background_map(ax) return ax
[docs] def oseries( self, names=None, extent=None, labels=True, adjust=False, figsize=(10, 8), backgroundmap=False, label_kwargs=None, **kwargs, ): """Plot oseries locations on map. Parameters ---------- names: list, optional oseries names, by default None which plots all oseries locations extent : list of float, optional plot only oseries within extent [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] labels: bool or str, optional label models, by default True, if passed as "grouped", only the first label for each x,y-location is shown. adjust: bool, optional automated smart label placement using adjustText, by default False figsize: tuple, optional figure size, by default(10, 8) backgroundmap: bool, optional if True, add background map (default CRS is EPSG:28992) with default tiles by OpenStreetMap.Mapnik. Default option is False. label_kwargs: dict, optional dictionary with keyword arguments to pass to add_labels method Returns ------- ax: matplotlib.Axes axes object See also -------- self.add_background_map """ names = self.pstore.conn._parse_names(names, "oseries") if extent is not None: names = self.pstore.within(extent, names=names) oseries = self.pstore.oseries.loc[names] mask0 = (oseries["x"] != 0.0) | (oseries["y"] != 0.0) r = self._plotmap_dataframe(oseries.loc[mask0], figsize=figsize, **kwargs) if "ax" in kwargs: ax = kwargs["ax"] else: ax = r if labels: if label_kwargs is None: label_kwargs = {} if labels == "grouped": gr = oseries.sort_index().reset_index().groupby(["x", "y"]) oseries = oseries.loc[gr["index"].first().tolist()] self.add_labels(oseries, ax, adjust=adjust, **label_kwargs) if backgroundmap: self.add_background_map(ax) return ax
[docs] def models( self, labels=True, adjust=False, figsize=(10, 8), backgroundmap=False, **kwargs ): """Plot model locations on map. Parameters ---------- labels: bool, optional label models, by default True adjust: bool, optional automated smart label placement using adjustText, by default False ax : matplotlib.Axes, optional axes handle, if not provided a new figure is created. figsize: tuple, optional figure size, by default(10, 8) backgroundmap: bool, optional if True, add background map (default CRS is EPSG:28992) with default tiles by OpenStreetMap.Mapnik. Default option is False. Returns ------- ax: matplotlib.Axes axes object See also -------- self.add_background_map """ model_oseries = [ self.pstore.get_models(m, return_dict=True)["oseries"]["name"] for m in self.pstore.model_names ] models = self.pstore.oseries.loc[model_oseries] models.index = self.pstore.model_names # mask out 0.0 coordinates mask0 = (models["x"] != 0.0) | (models["y"] != 0.0) r = self._plotmap_dataframe(models.loc[mask0], figsize=figsize, **kwargs) if "ax" in kwargs: ax = kwargs["ax"] else: ax = r if labels: self.add_labels(models, ax, adjust=adjust) if backgroundmap: self.add_background_map(ax) return ax
[docs] def modelstat( self, statistic, modelnames=None, label=True, adjust=False, cmap="viridis", norm=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, figsize=(10, 8), backgroundmap=False, **kwargs, ): """Plot model statistic on map. Parameters ---------- statistic: str name of the statistic, e.g. "evp" or "aic" modelnames : list of str, optional list of modelnames to include label: bool, optional label points, by default True adjust: bool, optional automated smart label placement using adjustText, by default False cmap: str or colormap, optional (name of) the colormap, by default "viridis" norm: norm, optional normalization for colorbar, by default None vmin: float, optional vmin for colorbar, by default None vmax: float, optional vmax for colorbar, by default None ax : matplotlib.Axes, optional axes handle, if not provided a new figure is created. figsize: tuple, optional figuresize, by default(10, 8) backgroundmap: bool, optional if True, add background map (default CRS is EPSG:28992) with default tiles by OpenStreetMap.Mapnik. Default option is False. Returns ------- ax: matplotlib.Axes axes object See also -------- self.add_background_map """ statsdf = self.pstore.get_statistics( [statistic], modelnames=modelnames, progressbar=False ).to_frame() statsdf["oseries"] = [ self.pstore.get_models(m, return_dict=True)["oseries"]["name"] for m in statsdf.index ] statsdf = statsdf.reset_index().set_index("oseries") df = statsdf.join(self.pstore.oseries, how="left") scatter_kwargs = { "cmap": cmap, "norm": norm, "vmin": vmin, "vmax": vmax, "edgecolors": "w", "linewidths": 0.7, } scatter_kwargs.update(kwargs) ax = self._plotmap_dataframe( df, column=statistic, figsize=figsize, **scatter_kwargs ) if label: df.set_index("index", inplace=True) self.add_labels(df, ax, adjust=adjust) if backgroundmap: self.add_background_map(ax) return ax
[docs] @staticmethod def _plotmap_dataframe( df, x="x", y="y", column=None, colorbar=True, ax=None, figsize=(10, 8), **kwargs, ): """Internal method for plotting dataframe with point locations. Can be called directly for more control over plot characteristics. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame containing coordinates and data to plot, with index providing names for each location x : str, optional name of the column with x - coordinate data, by default "x" y : str, optional name of the column with y - coordinate data, by default "y" column : str, optional name of the column containing data used for determining the color of each point, by default None (all one color) colorbar : bool, optional show colorbar, only if column is provided, by default True ax : matplotlib Axes axes handle to plot dataframe, optional, default is None which creates a new figure figsize : tuple, optional figure size, by default(10, 8) **kwargs : dictionary containing keyword arguments for ax.scatter, by default None Returns ------- ax : matplotlib.Axes axes object, returned if ax is None sc : scatter handle scatter plot handle, returned if ax is not None """ if ax is None: return_scatter = False fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) else: return_scatter = True fig = ax.figure # set default size and marker if not passed if kwargs: s = kwargs.pop("s", 70) marker = kwargs.pop("marker", "o") else: s = 70 marker = "o" kwargs = {} # if column is passed for coloring pts if column: c = df[column] if "cmap" not in kwargs: kwargs["cmap"] = "viridis" else: c = kwargs.pop("c", None) sc = ax.scatter(df[x], df[y], marker=marker, s=s, c=c, **kwargs) # add colorbar if column and colorbar: divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="3%", pad=0.05) cbar = fig.colorbar(sc, ax=ax, cax=cax) cbar.set_label(column) # set axes properties ax.set_xlabel("x") ax.set_ylabel("y") for label in ax.get_yticklabels(): label.set_rotation(90) label.set_verticalalignment("center") fig.tight_layout() if return_scatter: return sc else: return ax
[docs] def model( self, ml, label=True, metadata_source="model", offset=0.0, ax=None, figsize=(10, 10), backgroundmap=False, ): """Plot oseries and stresses from one model on a map. Parameters ---------- ml: str or pastas.Model pastas model or name of pastas model to plot on map label: bool, optional, default is True add labels to points on map metadata_source: str, optional whether to obtain metadata from model Timeseries or from metadata in pastastore("store"), default is "model" offset : float, optional add offset to current extent of model time series, useful for zooming out around models ax : matplotlib.Axes, optional axes handle, if not provided a new figure is created. figsize: tuple, optional figsize, default is (10, 10) backgroundmap: bool, optional if True, add background map (default CRS is EPSG:28992) with default tiles by OpenStreetMap.Mapnik. Default option is False. Returns ------- ax: axes object axis handle of the resulting figure See also -------- self.add_background_map """ if isinstance(ml, str): ml = self.pstore.get_models(ml) elif not isinstance(ml, ps.Model): raise TypeError("Pass model name as string or pastas.Model!") stresses = pd.DataFrame(columns=["x", "y", "stressmodel", "color"]) count = 0 for name, sm in ml.stressmodels.items(): for istress in sm.stress: if metadata_source == "model": xi = istress.metadata["x"] yi = istress.metadata["y"] elif metadata_source == "store": imeta = self.pstore.get_metadata( "stresses",, as_frame=False ) xi = imeta.pop("x", np.nan) yi = imeta.pop("y", np.nan) else: raise ValueError( "metadata_source must be either " "'model' or 'store'!" ) if np.isnan(xi) or np.isnan(yi): print(f"No x,y-data for {}!") continue if xi == 0.0 or yi == 0.0: print(f"x,y-data is 0.0 for {}, not plotting!") continue stresses.loc[, :] = (xi, yi, name, f"C{count%10}") count += 1 # create figure if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=figsize) else: fig = ax.figure # add oseries osize = 50 oserieslabel = if metadata_source == "model": xm = float(ml.oseries.metadata["x"]) ym = float(ml.oseries.metadata["y"]) elif metadata_source == "store": ometa = self.pstore.get_metadata("oseries",, as_frame=False) xm = float(ometa.pop("x", np.nan)) ym = float(ometa.pop("y", np.nan)) else: raise ValueError("metadata_source must be either " "'model' or 'store'!") po = ax.scatter(xm, ym, s=osize, marker="o", label=oserieslabel, color="k") legend_list = [po] # add stresses ax.scatter( stresses["x"], stresses["y"], s=50, c=stresses.color, marker="o", edgecolors="k", linewidths=0.75, ) # label oseries if label: stroke = [patheffects.withStroke(linewidth=3, foreground="w")] txt = ax.annotate( text=oserieslabel, xy=(xm, ym), fontsize=8, textcoords="offset points", xytext=(10, 10), ) txt.set_path_effects(stroke) # get legend entries for stressmodels uniques = stresses.loc[:, ["stressmodel", "color"]].drop_duplicates( keep="first" ) for name, row in uniques.iterrows(): (h,) = ax.plot( [], [], marker="o", label=row.stressmodel, ls="", mec="k", ms=10, color=row.color, ) legend_list.append(h) # add legend ax.legend(legend_list, [i.get_label() for i in legend_list], loc="best") # set axes properties ax.set_xlabel("x") ax.set_ylabel("y") for label in ax.get_yticklabels(): label.set_rotation(90) label.set_verticalalignment("center") if offset > 0.0: xmin, xmax = ax.get_xlim() ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim() ax.set_xlim(xmin - offset, xmax + offset) ax.set_ylim(ymin - offset, ymax + offset) # label stresses if label: for name, row in stresses.iterrows(): namestr = str(name) namestr += f"\n({row.stressmodel})" txt = ax.annotate( text=namestr, xy=(row.x, row.y), fontsize=8, textcoords="offset points", xytext=(10, 10), ) txt.set_path_effects(stroke) if backgroundmap: self.add_background_map(ax) fig.tight_layout() return ax
[docs] @staticmethod def _list_contextily_providers(): """List contextily providers. Taken from contextily notebooks. Returns ------- providers : dict dictionary containing all providers. See keys for names that can be passed as map_provider arguments. """ import contextily as ctx providers = {} def get_providers(provider): if "url" in provider: providers[provider["name"]] = provider else: for prov in provider.values(): get_providers(prov) get_providers(ctx.providers) return providers
[docs] @staticmethod def add_background_map( ax, proj="epsg:28992", map_provider="OpenStreetMap.Mapnik", **kwargs ): """Add background map to axes using contextily. Parameters ---------- ax: matplotlib.Axes axes to add background map to map_provider: str, optional name of map provider, see `contextily.providers` for options. Default is 'OpenStreetMap.Mapnik' proj: pyproj.Proj or str, optional projection for background map, default is 'epsg:28992' (RD Amersfoort, a projection for the Netherlands) """ import contextily as ctx if isinstance(proj, str): import pyproj proj = pyproj.Proj(proj) providers = Maps._list_contextily_providers() ctx.add_basemap(ax, source=providers[map_provider], crs=proj.srs, **kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def add_labels(df, ax, adjust=False, objects=None, **kwargs): """Add labels to points on plot. Uses dataframe index to label points. Parameters ---------- df: pd.DataFrame DataFrame containing x, y - data. Index is used as label ax: matplotlib.Axes axes object to label points on adjust: bool automated smart label placement using adjustText objects : list of matplotlib objects use to avoid labels overlapping markers **kwargs: keyword arguments to ax.annotate or adjusttext """ stroke = [patheffects.withStroke(linewidth=3, foreground="w")] fontsize = kwargs.pop("fontsize", 10) if adjust: from adjustText import adjust_text texts = [] for name, row in df.iterrows(): texts.append( ax.text( row["x"], row["y"], name, fontsize=fontsize, **{"path_effects": stroke}, ) ) adjust_text( texts, objects=objects, force_text=(0.05, 0.10), **kwargs, **{ "arrowprops": { "arrowstyle": "-", "color": "k", "alpha": 0.5, } }, ) else: textcoords = kwargs.pop("textcoords", "offset points") xytext = kwargs.pop("xytext", (10, 10)) for name, row in df.iterrows(): namestr = str(name) ax.annotate( text=namestr, xy=(row["x"], row["y"]), fontsize=fontsize, textcoords=textcoords, xytext=xytext, **{"path_effects": stroke}, **kwargs, )